Surveys were mailed to all homeowner addresses on file in September. All mailers included a self-addressed stamped envelope, as well as instructions for completing the survey online (optional), and a request to update any contact information. The deadline for submissions was October 31.

Following the October 31 deadline, online entries were compared with mail-in entries to ensure no duplicates. Additional suggestions, comments, and questions were noted to be addressed when possible. Each hard copy response that was mailed in was digitally scanned to enter into the neighborhood’s files.

The Results: Out of 495 mailers sent to homeowner addresses, only 12% of homeowners responded with a vote in favor of a mandatory association. The Board cannot, in good conscience, enforce mandatory dues on 88% of the neighborhood who did not vote in favor of it, and Indiana State Law requires 2/3 (66%) of the neighborhood to agree. Therefore, we will be moving forward with updating the bylaws to reorganize IVCA into a voluntary organization.

Indian Village residents are encouraged to contact any board member with questions, and visit to stay up to date on the latest IVCA information. Click the “Update Your Contact Info” button to receive future IVCA communications.

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