About Us

This website is run by the Indian Village Community Association volunteer Board of Governors. It is intended to build community by providing a forum for sharing information, connecting neighbors, promoting activities, and fostering involvement in Indian Village and our diverse local community.


Specifically, these are the goals for this website:

  • Provide a dependable, central resource you can go to at any time and find correct, official information
  • Proactively communicate and keep you informed with up-to-date current information and posts
  • Provide a repository of historical records and documents
  • Provide community resources for problem-solving, support local businesses, and more
  • Provide a means to connect and collect feedback, through various possible potential interfaces, including contact forms, signing up to subscribe to e-newsletters, surveys, and more


As neighbors, we all want what’s best for the neighborhood, and part of that is making sure everyone has access to the same information. We want to make this site as effective as possible, and provide the resources you want. What information or resources would you like to see added? How can it be more helpful to you and the neighbors around you? What’s working so far, and what could be improved?


In addition, as the Indian Village Community Association Board of Governors, we promise to:

  • Make ourselves as available as possible, while still maintaining boundaries for our personal time
  • Establish and maintain two-way avenues of open communication
  • Provide regular updates on our progress and any news we may have to share
  • Solicit your input formally as well as informally in various formats
  • Provide options and alternatives for participation in meetings, elections, etc. that satisfy and conform to necessary laws and regulations
  • Not interfere with internal communication on private IVCA group page(s) unless there are rules being broken (please play nice)
  • Respond to communication in a timely manner
  • Move forward at a reasonable pace, with our neighbors at our sides
  • Work together as a cohesive board, so that individual personalities or conflicts will not hinder forward motion
  • Provide background, context, and explanations for any new information we find and share


How to get a hold of us

Mailing Address
Indian Village Community Association
2310 Indian Village Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46809

Email Inquiries – board@indianvillagefw.org