Nighttime Safety
Winter Solstice is past, and days are getting longer, but the nights are still going to be long and dark for a while.
Winter Solstice is past, and days are getting longer, but the nights are still going to be long and dark for a while.
The best time of year to prune most trees and shrubs is in the winter when they’re dormant. When the sap isn’t flowing, cutting branches causes less stress to the entire tree. In winter, insects are also dormant, and less likely to
If one of your goals for the new year is to get a handle on your finances, the national best-selling book Your Money Or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin is an excellent read full of great advice, starting with a couple of
This is the full and complete financial information we have available, collected from bank account balances, all sources of income, and all expenses for the previous month.
Here are a few ideas for thoughtful and affordable gifts for friends and family this holiday season:
When you are clearing snow from your driveway, please consider clearing the snow off of any sidewalks that cross your property also. When it’s snowy and icy, it can be even more hazardous than usual for pedestrians to walk in the street!
If you will be traveling to see friends and family: If you are staying in for the holidays:
City of Fort Wayne Fall Leaf Collection Indian Village Neighborhood is in the “Central” Fort Wayne leaf collection area.Second round pickup December 12-16– Rake leaves to the area of your lawn closest to the curb or park strip, NOT IN THE STREET, by
Indian Village Community Association Board of Governors Meeting Minutes Monday, October 17th, 2022 Location: Virtual via Google Meets Adjournment: 7:55pm by Kailey seconded by Paul.
Below is the first page of the mailer you will be receiving this week. At the bottom you can download the PDF of the full mailer. Also, at the bottom is a link to the Community Feedback survey. Indian Village Community AssociationBoard