Community Feedback

Below is the first page of the mailer you will be receiving this week. At the bottom you can download the PDF of the full mailer. Also, at the bottom is a link to the Community Feedback survey.

Indian Village Community Association
Board of Governors
Message to Neighbors

Hello friends and neighbors,

This is your first official mailer from the recently elected Board of Governors. We are taking this opportunity to collect community feedback from as many households as we can. Based on that feedback, we will steer the association in that direction. Please take the time to provide your opinion as this will determine our next steps in meeting your desired goals for the neighborhood.

Until we have received feedback, since there has been a question of the legitimacy for a mandatory association, the Board of Governors is taking the position that payment of dues will be considered voluntary participation in Indian Village Community Association. That stance will only change if current legitimacy is reasonably proven or if the neighborhood overwhelmingly supports pursuit of a mandatory association.

On the following pages there is a FAQ, contact update form and short survey for you to complete. Note that we will be asking about whether you are a renter or owner. Our intent is to communicate with everyone regardless of ownership status. In the past, communications were targeted at owners only. Mailing lists have been based on the previous years tax records. 

We are including a prepaid envelope for you to use to send your completed survey back to us. One of our goals is to move away from mailing information in favor of email or posting to the website. This will significantly reduce expenses from mailers. For those who want to remain on a postal mailing list, you will need to indicate that on the survey.

Indian Village Community Association Board of Governors

  • President: Paul Forbing
  • Vice President: William Bourhill
  • Treasurer: Monica Hadsall
  • Secretary: Kailey Till
  • Governor: Steve McMurray

Mailer and Survey

Community Feedback Survey

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